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Tuesday, December 24, 2024

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Just Another Runner’s Perspective

January 2025

Written By Gale Fischer

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

“There’ll be downhills for coasting, race PRs for toasting, and running with friends through the snow.”

12/11/2024: With an hour remaining in my workday, I opened the weather app on my phone to check for updates on the radar. Just like most weekdays, I planned to change into my running gear and head out for an hour run at four PM. A winter weather advisory was in effect for the area, and although the incoming snow would likely not keep me from running, I still had looked at the hourly forecast several times today. It looked as if the front edge of the storm was due to enter our area around the time I would step out into the elements. I glanced out the window at the blustery winds whipping around scattered snowflakes that had started falling from the sky, confirming what the radar was predicting. An hour later as I began my run, the frigid air stung my nose and I started to shiver as my body reacted to the sub-freezing temperatures. The cold air made things uncomfortable for a half mile or so, but within minutes my body was generating enough heat to make the wintery conditions not nearly as harsh.

The snow fell gently to the ground for the first twenty minutes as I made my way east on Michigan Avenue, with the wind at my back. With each passing minute, it seemed as if the snowflakes appeared to grow bigger in size and the white blanket of powder collecting on the ground was becoming thicker. As I turned south on Eleven Mile Road, I could feel the wind to my right, and when I switched directions a few minutes later and ran west on F Drive, my effort increased with the wind providing a wall of resistance. As the snow began to collect on the road I navigated between dry segments of asphalt, packed snow, and slippery patches. I adjusted my stride with the road conditions increasing my effort,  but I didn’t care. With this being one of my first runs of the season in the midst of snowfall, paired with the Christmas music on my playlist, I found myself lost in the festive atmosphere. As I sat in front of the fire blazing beside the hearthstone in my living room a few hours later with the snowfall creating white-out conditions, I was grateful for the spirit of the season generated by my earlier run. It was a perfect way to decompress after a day at work. 

As a runner, I love living in the Midwest. Each season presents varied conditions to run in with the transition from spring to summer and fall to winter offering a fresh perspective. There are differing elements that accompany winter, spring, summer, and fall that help to make running a fresh experience year-round. The holiday season is a joyous time of year in all corners of the world with each offering a varied climate, but for me, the sight of snow falling from the sky with a carpet of white covering the earth’s surface makes the weeks between Thanksgiving and  New Year’s Day a little more pleasing. I always enjoy the run this time of year.

So what is it that makes running during the holiday season so special? There is more than one answer to this question. For many, the month of December offers a respite from the rigors of racing and training for competition. The fall racing season is in the rearview mirror with the spring session far off on the horizon. The focused regimen for spring races typically will not start until the first of the year or later. December often becomes a time just to run without a structured plan of action, providing an opportunity to recharge the batteries. The change in focus from scripted distances and paces to going by feel can be a refreshing change of pace.

The joy and feel-good nature of the holidays can bring a month of cheer to many. You don’t have to be a child to get excited about all that comes with this special time of year. It’s not as if there are not moments of bliss year around but these pleasant feelings for some are more plentiful as the year comes to a close. Time spent with family, celebrations among friends, and the delight in giving and receiving contribute to this festive time of year. As amazing as the blessings of the holiday season are there are times when it can also become overwhelming. A run can offer a chance to relax and calm the excitement.

Running can take the edge off at times but it can also provide a unique way to enjoy the festivities of the season. Group runs at night are often planned to weave through neighborhoods decorated with Christmas lights. There are individuals in every group who dress in elf costumes and Santa hats, adorning their attire with colored lights, adding to the holiday flavor while enjoying our sport. Some even run to and from businesses and residences, stopping briefly at each location to sing Christmas carols. Running is just another way to celebrate this time of year.

As joyous as the gala at the end of each year is, there are those who struggle during the holidays. For these individuals, not-so-pleasant memories might be associated with Christmas and the New Year. For these runners, running becomes even more important this time of year. It can provide a distraction while offering all the emotional benefits to ease the holiday struggles. 

Running offers joy and comfort year-round. The holidays can provide abundant opportunities to enhance this happiness as the magic of each mile meshes with the wizardry of the season. Run without the pressures of training and racing. Celebrate the holidays in the unique way that running offers. Use running to diminish the stress associated with the season. Whatever your motivation let running be a part of this time of year. 

Until next time, this has been just another runner’s perspective.

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